Interaction example page

The following example is done using the following data

Genes identifier
  Gene1, Gene2, Gene3, Gene4, Gene5

OneGene Relative Frequency associations are shown in the following table.

From To Value
Gene1 Gene2 0.93
Gene1 Gene3 0.95
Gene1 Gene4 0.93
Gene1 Gene5 0.93
Gene2 Gene1 0.98
Gene2 Gene5 0.42
Gene3 Gene1 0.99
Gene3 Gene4 0.92
Gene4 Gene5 0.91


Step 1

You search Genes whose “identifier” STARTS WITH “gene”.

Step 2

You pick the “Gene1” as seeder. You set the range between 0.90 and 1.00

Step 3

The resulting network.

Default setup: the External Pearson correlation are hidden. The other edges (Pearson Internal correlationa and OneGenE Relative Frequency) are shown.

If you compare the network with the list of OneGeneE, the OneGenE Relative frequency between Gene2 and Gene5 is not shown since its value is outside the selected range in step 2.


Result of some interaction with controls and canva

When OneGenE Relative Frequency association is hidden.


When Pearson correlations are hidden (both internal and external)



When you change ranges
  OneGeneE threshold min from 0.9 to 0.96
  Pearson threshold max from 1 to 0.52

Some genes are colored as red: the color highlights that the genes are connected with NO OneGene Relative Frequency association to any other Gene. The condition is raised by the change of thresholds.