Vitis project

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the oldest and most important fruit crops in terms of cultivated area and economic impact. A big effort is ongoing to improve or at least maintain fruit quality and reduce the use of fungicides in the unstable context of climatic changes. A deeper knowledge of the grapevine physiology and biology is the pre-requisite to support a “green” sustainable viticulture.

OneGene project represents a unique tool to exploit the existing transcriptomic data of such a non-model but economically
important species to identify associations among genes and reconstruct gene networks, supporting molecular breeding

If you use OneGenE for your reseach, please cite:

Pilati, S.; Malacarne, G.; Navarro-Payá, D.; Tomè, G.; Riscica, L.; Cavecchia, V.; Matus, J.T.; Moser, C.; Blanzieri, E. Vitis OneGenE: A Causality-Based Approach to Generate Gene Networks in Vitis vinifera Sheds Light on the Laccase and Dirigent Gene Families. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1744.